Systemic Family Constellation is not theatre. It is not psychodrama. It is not acting and is not counselling. As a representative, you do not have a script to follow; it is not a recital.

NO. Family Constellation works within your family system. However, when you do your work, the results can also affect other members of the system, meaning that the person you have in mind will still benefit from your work.
The only exception is for children (under 18 years of age). Parents can work with family constellation for their children if they are still under 18.

No, they do not have to participate to allow you to do your family constellation as the representatives in the group stand for your family members. They can attend a group Family Constellation workshop if they want to, but they will experience it as any other person in the group and pay the price of the workshop.
Sometimes, it can be uncomfortable to have family members present because the constellation could show something very personal and intimate, but it is a personal choice.

No. The healing work you experience in a family constellation is for yourself, and everything you need is done during the constellation. I will not ask you to talk or contact your family unless you choose to do so privately. Family Constellation, though, has an unconscious effect on your family without the need to say or do anything else.

There is the facilitator, the client and the rest of the group in group work.
The client will briefly explain the issue they would like to work on. Provide only a few details.
The client, or sometimes the facilitator, will then choose the representatives of the client’s family members and invite them into the workspace called “the field”. The representatives will then move freely according to what feels right for them.

The field is the energy that connects the representatives and allows them to experience the role they have been chosen for. It is an interesting phenomenon that shows the hidden dynamics and provides a clear picture for the client.

Representatives stand in as a family member of the client.
They can also represent aspects of the issue, feelings, or other people involved in the client’s life that have impacted his family. The representatives connect to the field’s energy and flow with what emerges.

Sometimes, things need more time to settle, and I do not force anything to show a happy ending if I do not feel it is right for the client. However, I do not think not having happy results means it did not work. Constellation continues to process things through time at an unconscious level and will give you the strength you need.

Yes, however, you may want to have your therapist attend with you or consult your therapist or GP before attending. I may ask you to sign a paper before participating as a matter of ethics in the workplace.

Yes, absolutely. I follow the PACFA and ACA Code of Ethics and Scope of Practice as a therapist.
Privacy is essential in my workspace, and I obey the laws of the Privacy Act.
I am very attentive to Confidentiality matters and work under a Confidentiality Agreement, which I mention to the group when in a group setting, and ask participants also to be bound to this agreement.

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