Psychogenealogy and Genosociogram

“Psychogenealogy and Genosociogram therapy illuminate the intricate dance between our personal history and collective inheritance. By exploring the depths of our family dynamics and ancestral patterns, we unravel the hidden threads that shape our present lives. In this journey of self-discovery, we not only heal our own wounds but also contribute to the healing of generations to come.”

Psychogenealogy and Genosociogram therapy involves delving into the complex relationship between our individual psychology and the historical context of our family, utilizing tools such as genosociogram diagrams to visualize and explore inherited patterns, unresolved conflicts, and intergenerational trauma, with the ultimate goal of promoting self-awareness, healing, and personal transformation.

The goal of Psychogenealogy and Genosociogram therapy is to uncover and understand the intergenerational dynamics and patterns within a family’s history, helping individuals gain insight into how these influences shape their present lives, and ultimately facilitating personal healing, growth, and breaking harmful cycles, leading to improved emotional well-being and the potential for positive transformation.

what benefits can people Have from Psychogenealogy and Genosociogram?

How Psychogenealogy and Genosociogram work:

Psychogenealogy and genosociograms involve thoroughly exploring an individual’s family history, examining significant events, relationships, and dynamics across generations, and creating visual genosociogram diagrams to map these intergenerational patterns.
Through the process, individuals gain insight into inherited traumas, unresolved conflicts, and recurring behavioural tendencies that may impact their present lives.
I provide guidance and support throughout the process, helping individuals integrate newfound understanding and identify the connection with someone or an event in the past.
I then apply the Family Constellation approach to break harmful cycles, leading to transformative change and improved well-being.


Which person usually seeks this TYPE OF therapy?

Curiosity about family history

Individuals seeking this therapy have a genuine interest in exploring their ancestral roots and understanding their family dynamics.

Uncovering patterns and influences

They are motivated to delve into intergenerational patterns, behaviors, and emotional dynamics that may have been passed down through generations.

Resolving inherited traumas and conflicts

Individuals recognize the impact of unresolved traumas from previous generations on their own well-being and seek therapy to address these inherited wounds.

Exploring personal challenges systemically

They are open to understanding their own struggles within the context of their family system, acknowledging the potential influence of intergenerational dynamics.

Pursuit of self-discovery and growth

Seeking Psychogenealogy and Genosociogram therapy reflects a desire for self-discovery, gaining deeper insight into oneself, and engaging in personal growth and transformation.

Openness to therapeutic exploration and guidance

Those seeking this therapy are receptive to working with a therapist, utilizing techniques such as genosociogram diagrams, dialogue, and narrative therapy to explore their family history, address unresolved issues, and foster healing and positive change.

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