Systemic Family Constellation

“Systemic Family Constellation: Unveiling connections, healing entanglements, and restoring harmony.”

Systemic Family Constellation is a therapeutic approach that explores how unresolved family issues and dynamics can affect individuals, aiming to bring awareness and healing through physical representations and insights gained from representatives in a group setting.

The goal of the Systemic Family Constellation is to bring healing, understanding, and resolution to issues within a family system. This therapeutic approach aims to uncover hidden dynamics, entanglements, and unresolved traumas that may be impacting individuals within the family. By creating a visual representation of the family system through constellations, the goal is to gain insights, restore balance, and promote healing at a systemic level. Ultimately, Systemic Family Constellation seeks to create harmony, improve relationships, and enable individuals to live more fulfilling lives within the context of their family system.

Beneficial for people facing various challenges

Increased Awareness: Gain insights into family dynamics and relationships.

Resolution of Family Issues: Address conflicts and achieve healing and resolution.

Emotional Healing: Find relief from emotional pain and distress.

Improved Relationships: Enhance communication and develop empathy.

Breakthrough in Patterns: Identify and break negative inherited patterns.

Personal Growth and Empowerment: Foster self-discovery and empowerment.

Healing Across Generations: Contribute to healing for future generations.

Is this therapy suitable for couples?

While the approach is often associated with exploring family dynamics, it can also be adapted to address relationship issues within a couple’s context. Couples seeking to improve their relationship, resolve conflicts, enhance communication, and gain a deeper understanding of their dynamics can benefit from Systemic Family Constellation therapy.

In couples therapy, the focus may shift more towards the dynamics and interactions between the partners, examining how their individual family backgrounds and systemic influences impact the relationship. Through Constellation work, couples can gain insights into underlying patterns, unresolved conflicts, and hidden dynamics that may be affecting their relationship dynamics.

WHY seEK this therapy?

Family Challenges

If you are facing conflicts, communication difficulties, or unresolved issues within your family or your family of origin

Inherited Patterns

If you are noticing recurring patterns, behaviours, or traumas that also occurred to a parent or grandparent or to an uncle or a cousin in the past generations

Seeking Personal Growth

If you want to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, and your family dynamics.

Emotional Issues

If you are experiencing emotional pain, distress, or unresolved emotions linked to your family history.

Identity and Belonging

If you are seeking clarity and a sense of identity within your family system and want to find your place within your family

Interested in Systemic Perspective for you and your children

If you value a holistic approach and want to explore the interconnectedness of your family system and its impact on your or your children well-being.

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do not hesitate to reach out